
Allstar Enters Wireless Speakers With Boom Touch

HAWTHORNE, NY— Allstar Products is entering the wireless speaker segment with its new TV-supported Boom Touch speaker.

Boom Touch incorporates near-field audio technology to amplify the sound of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, wirelessly by placing the device atop the speaker.

Near-field audio, which senses and amplifies sounds from adjacent mobile devices, doesn’t require Bluetooth to connect the wireless speaker to a device, thereby reducing the battery drain associated with Bluetooth use, according to Allstar.

The compact Boom Touch speaker is about the size of a typical smartphone. It is fueled by three AA batteries to deliver clear, powerful tones, according to Allstar.

Infomercial support for Boom Touch is set to be in full swing in December, ahead of a February retail rollout, said Scott Boilen, Allstar’s CEO. Boom Touch is set to retail for $19.99.

Boilen said TV and digital marketing are especially important to the Boom Touch rollout because of the public’s relative unfamiliarity with the wireless technology.

“It’s a tremendous value, but few people would buy this without strong TV and digital support,” Boilen said. “Strong reviews and word of mouth will also be key to this product.”

Allstar is also preparing a refreshed DRTV campaign to support the expanded retail rollout of its Baseboard Buddy cleaning tool in time for the 2017 cleaning season.

Baseboard Buddy features a telescoping handle and a head fitted with a reusable microfiber cleaning pad that conforms to the shape of baseboards and molding.

The cleaning head can be used dry to dust baseboards and wet to clean and polish. The telescoping handle also enables easy use on door and ceiling molding, according to Allstar.

Packed with a handle and two cleaning pads, Baseboard Buddy is set to retail for $19.99.


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