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Brad Wiesner, Bed Bath & Beyond, Buyer, Lighting

The July 17 issue of HOMEWORLD BUSINESS® features the 18th annual Impact Merchants special report. Housewares suppliers, representing the categories that HomeWorld covers, once again were asked to nominate buyers and merchandisers believed to have made a significant impact during the past year.

The selection of the 21 Impact Merchant winners is not intended as a definitive list of the best merchants in housewares retailing. Votes went to several more merchandisers than those featured. This year’s honorees represent buyers in given categories that received the majority of votes by vendors polled.

Voters were asked to give added weight to merchandising creativity, trend and marketing astuteness, attention to detail, openness to risk, flexibility, relationship building and the ability to deliver a profitable program for both the vendors and retailer while providing value to consumers. One thing this year’s Impact Merchants share is a vote of respect by their vendors. In today’s unpredictable retail environment, that vote really counts.

Brad Wiesner, Bed Bath & Beyond, Buyer, Lighting

Bed Bath & Beyond is in a period of reconstitution with its handling of major product categories subject to overhaul as the company balances online and in-store operations.

In the lighting category, Brad Wiesner has been charged with updating Bed Bath & Beyond’s approach to a category that has itself evolved due to the advent of LED and other alternative sources of illumination. Vendor acknowledgment of the job he is doing in the lighting category led to his nomination as a HOMEWORLD BUSINESS® Impact Merchant.

Product suppliers that work with Wiesner said he stands out on several measures. In particular, he has been creative and applied that creativity to updating lighting at a time when Bed Bath & Beyond not only is expanding its online operations but also developing new in-store merchandising as exemplified by its Sunset Park, Brooklyn, and Hyannis, MA, stores.

Because large and small new and long-existing Bed Bath & Beyond locations significantly differ in their approach to the lighting department, Wiesner has had to accommodate a complex operational environment.

Beyond that, the vendor said that his “honest and honorable” business approach makes Wiesner a superior partner despite his having to take on expansive responsibility, which he executes without complaint.

Wiesner has a long record in the world of retail that includes time at Home Depot.

2017 HomeWorld Business Impact Merchants (click on name for profile):