Blog : Greg Sleter, Executive Editor

The Amazon Effect On Shipping Products

If there are two topics of discussion many in the housewares segment are tired of talking about, Amazon and Millennials may top the list for most.

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Unique Experiences At The Home + Housewares Show

The Housewares Show. Utter that phrase to anyone who worked the annual event held recently in Chicago and it will conjure up a multitude of feelings that range from excitement in seeing new products to exhaustion after a long week at McCormick Place.

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Blog retail, walmart mobile-express-returns
Keeping Pace With The Retail Evolution

Few would argue that 2017 was a strange year at retail and a time of significant change.

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A Back-To-Basics Wish List For Retailers

Throughout 2017 there has been much discussion about the future of retailing, with the crystal balls of some showing a future without stores and a consumer base using their digital devices to buy what they need from the comfort of their living rooms.

Blog retail, walmart mobile-express-returns
Retail Challenges Open Doors To New Opportunities

Retail in 2017 has been a mad, mad, mad, mad world. But with the madness also comes a host of opportunity for retailers and suppliers alike.

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The Holiday Shopping Season Starts Early

The clock had barely ticked past midnight on November 1 and several retailers, in announcing holiday season sales, were tripping over themselves like Black Friday shoppers trying to buy a new television.

The Grocery Wars Are Getting A Bit Silly

So Walmart wants to stock my refrigerator? Really? There’s something off-putting and a bit creepy about a Walmart employee entering my home and putting away my groceries. I don’t even go into my mother’s refrigerator without first asking.

What We Learned In Q1

As the spring weather warmed much of the country in mid-May, the housewares industry digested the first quarter earnings reports from a host of retailers.

The Key Feature Is Simple

In the days following Super Bowl LI, there was much discussion on sports radio about the New England Patriots’ historic comeback win over the Atlanta Falcons.

Holiday Shopping And Retail Discounts

The holiday shopping season has moved past Thanksgiving weekend and Cyber Monday, and retailers are now totaling their receipts and wondering what more they can do to get shoppers to dip deeper into their wallets.

Preparing For Deep Holiday Discounts

The fourth quarter has arrived and with it the final preparations by retailers for the holiday season. While the first three quarters of 2016 were largely unspectacular across a number of housewares product segments, all eyes are now watching what steps retailers will take to drive product into the hands of consumers.