
Gender Influences Home Entertainment Furniture Preferences

Perhaps defying some expectations, more men than women responding to the HomeWorld Business Home Entertainment Furniture Report expressed interest in purchasing a smart phone over the next 12 months, 77.2% to 66.4%.

As it turns out, computing devices were the product engaging the buying consideration of women who responded to the survey that formed the basis of the report. Women expressed more interest in tablet and personal computers than men did among designated electronics categories, with 38.5% interested in a tablet and 24.3% interested in a personal computer versus 33.7% and 20.7% of men. In contrast, and perhaps in line with expectations, men were more prone to think about buying a television, a gaming console or a personal gaming device as well as audio components and laptops. When it comes to laptops, 57.6% of male respondents said they might consider a purchase versus 43.3% of women.

Women were a bit more enthusiastic about purchasing furniture to house electronics, with 11.7% saying they would definitely and 17.8% said they would very likely purchase new furniture to house consumer electronics they might buy versus 10.9% and 16.3% of men.

As for where to employ, men were more likely to use electronic devices in every room of the house except a child’s bedroom, kitchen included. When purchasing, women were a bit more likely to focus on the lower pricepoints but also were more likely to consider electronics related furniture selling for more than $350. Men, at 57.6%, were actually more concerned about furniture style than women, at 48.6%, while women tended to look more favorably on storage capacity and unique features. In considering where to purchase home entertainment-related furniture, male respondents to the study demonstrated a proclivity for online and home electronics superstore shopping as compared with women, and they slightly favored warehouse clubs as well.

When it comes to electric fireplaces, women are somewhat more likely to favor a future purchase than men, and they are willing to pay more. Ability to change flame color, a timer, storage/display capacity and ability to mount a flat panel on top are important to women when it comes to purchasing electric fireplaces where men are more likely to favor remote controls, infrared heat and built-in audio speakers.

Men are generally more flexible about where in the house they would like to entertain guests, although women are slightly more likely to favor the kitchen or outdoor spaces. When considering furniture they purchased for use in home entertainment as well as every day, men were more likely to cite entertainment centers, stools, dining furniture, electric fireplace TV stands, bars/bar carts, patio furniture and folding furniture. Women tended to mention traditional TV stands, standard electric fireplace mantels, accent furniture and kitchen islands.

As they look at the year ahead, women are a lot more likely to buy patio furniture, with 25.5% expressing an interest versus 14.3% of men, as well as bar carts, 20.1% versus 13.1%. Men clearly favored entertainment centers as could-be buys, 27.4% versus 21%, electric fireplace TV stands, 16.7% versus 13.4%, and electric fireplace mantels, 9.5% versus 8.5%.

For the Home Entertainment Furniture Report, see the December 12, 2016, issue of HOMEWORLD BUSINESS®.

electric fireplaces gender home entertainment home entertainment furniture report men women


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