
Generations Aligned On Cleaning Tools

This is part four of a special, four-part web series showcasing exclusive consumer research and analysis from the HomeWorld Forecast 2018 survey. The series, sponsored by Casabella, examines consumer purchase expectations for stick goods and cleaning tools. Scroll through charts by clicking on the arrow icons. Click here to receive the complete HomeWorld Forecast 2018 supplement.

The Millennial, Gen Y and Boomer generations, while vastly different in the traits that define them, do have commonalities when it comes to their stick goods purchase decisions, the 2018 HomeWorld Business Forecast survey revealed.

For example, Millennial and Gen Y female shoppers stated that their next most likely stick goods purchase would be a cleaning tool that uses disposable cloths/pads, with 38.5% and 34.6% of respondents respectively. The finding resonates with the growing demand for convenience and also storage solutions as both generations look to small-space living.

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*Source: HomeWorld Business Forecast 2018 consumer survey, conducted by The NPD Group. Female respondents only

When it comes to disposable cleaning tools female Millennials and Boomers were in sync when it comes to price expectations. For example, both Millennials and Boomers, at 42.9% and 27.7% respectively, stated that they expect a mid-range price point between $10 and $14.99 when purchasing a disposable broom/cleaner. However, female Gen Y respondents stated that for this product segment a lower price point is expected, and 25.3% said they expect to pay between $5 and $9.99.

The majority of female Boomers, however, at 34.8% of respondents, stated that a standard broom would be their next stick goods purchase. When it comes to this product segment Boomers stated that they expect to pay lower price points. In fact, 35.2% of Boomer respondents stated they expect to pay between $5 and $9.99 for a standard angled broom.

The majority of each age group, however, did choose the same retail channel for their stick goods purchases. 66.6% of Millennials, 67.5% of Gen Y and 59.3% of Boomers stated that the discount channel was their most often shopped retail channel for stick goods.

Within the discount channel, the majority of each generation stated Walmart was the retailer they would most likely shop stick goods, according to the survey.