
Health Tip Tuesday: Keeping the Momentum Going

Make Fitness Fun

Committing to a workout and finding the time/motivation to follow through with it every day might be the toughest part of a healthy lifestyle. However, if you combine an interest of yours with your fitness regime it might just be the game changer.

Workouts become a grueling when you don’t enjoy what you are doing. There’s no need to force yourself to adhere to a workout that you don’t look forward to. Whether you enjoy riding your bike, dancing, yoga or running, make sure that whatever you do to keep moving brings you joy.

Strategize To Overcome Weakness

Maybe you find too much comfort in sweets or maybe you tend to slump into that “I’ll do it tomorrow” mentality—pinpoint your weakness and come up with strategies to surmount that obstacle. If you tend to overeat, make sure your snacks are healthy with high nutritional value.

Munch on unprocessed, whole foods– some mixed nuts, apples, dried fruit or carrots, and hummus. If you are tempted to put something off until tomorrow, remind yourself how satisfied you would feel if you accomplished the task today. Accept your weaknesses but also know how to negotiate with yourself in order to stay on track to become your healthiest self.

Find New Inspiration

What makes you want to be your best self? Is it Family? Creativity? Giving back? Make time for what makes you the best version of yourself because whatever the source of your inspiration is, it may be what fuels you to the finish line.

Be Patient

Remind yourself that change is a gradual process and doesn’t happen overnight. Keep up with your personal health journey and don’t get down on yourself if you haven’t met your expectations yet.

You are your toughest critic and your transformation isn’t over yet. Keep the momentum going, satisfaction is bound to follow.

Treat Yo’ Self

If you’re feeling stressed about your enormous to-do list, recognize that you may need a break in order to feel regenerated. Treat your mental health to a day off.

Whether you spend the day communing with nature or playing with puppies, do whatever is the opposite of what stress is to you. Disconnect yourself from your phone and have a date with yourself to reconnect with you.

Say no to processed foods but yes to something you have been wanting that supports a positive goal–do yourself a solid and treat yo’ self right!

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