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Igloo Features Surf Art On Playmate Cooler

Igloo Products Corp. has collaborated with surf culture artist Andy Davis for a collection on its Playmate cooler, which will be available for shipping in time for the holiday season.

The Playmate coolers featuring Davis’ art will be targeted toward surf shops, as well as specialty and online retailers, the company said.

Davis recalled that growing up the Playmate cooler was a part of family road trips and beach days. “I still have one from those days. If someone would have told me back then I would be putting my art on them when I was a grown man I am sure I would have told them they were nuts. But that’s what happened and I couldn’t be more excited and thankful. I’m excited to collaborate with a company with a 70 year legacy like Igloo who still makes coolers in America,” said Davis.

In addition to the Playmate cooler, the Igloo and Andy Davis collection is set to include a soft cooler and stainless steel hydration in 2018.

Andy Davis coolers Igloo Playmate surf art