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Fiskars Appoints Tuominen President And CEO

Fiskars Corporation has appointed Jaana Tuominen president and CEO, effective at the latest, January 1, 2018.

Teemu Kangas-Kärki has acted as interim president and CEO since February 2017 and will continue in this role until Tuominen assumes her duties as CEO. Kangas-Kärki will then continue in his role as deputy to the CEO, COO and as member of the executive leadership team.

Tuominen joins Fiskars from Paulig Group, where she has worked since 2008 as CEO. Prior to that, she held global leadership positions at GE Healthcare.

“We are very pleased to appoint Jaana Tuominen as Fiskars’ new president and CEO. Jaana is a seasoned executive with wide-ranging leadership experience and a strong track record in building international brands and developing global businesses. Fiskars is on a journey to become a world leading consumer goods company, with a family of iconic lifestyle brands. Jaana’s strategic competence and capabilities in leading change will be a tremendous asset to Fiskars,” said Paul Ehrnrooth, chairman of the board of directors of Fiskars.

CEO Fiskars Corporation Jaana Tuominen president