
Overstock Names Noursalehi Retail Business President

Overstock.com has appointed Saum Noursalehi president of the company’s retail business.

With Overstock since 2005, Noursalehi currently serves as the company’s chief revenue officer. He has previously been svp/product development and marketing, and directed website, mobile and search engine optimization and software development.

“I am incredibly pleased that Saum has accepted this opportunity,” said Patrick Byrne, founder and CEO, who recently returned to Overstock after a medical leave. “Saum has knocked the cover off the ball many times over the years, and I know he will here as well.”

In addition, Jonathan Johnson, Overstock.com’s chairman of the board, was named president of Medici, the company’s group of blockchain technology and fintech businesses. Johnson will remain in his position as chairman.

“Along with its online shopping business, Overstock is an incubator of financial technology,” said Byrne. “I’m thrilled he will be leading Medici as we pioneer the application of the blockchain to financial systems.”

overstock.com president retail business saum noursalehi


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