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Plastic Food Storage A Top Potential Purchase For 2018

Keeping fresh foods and ingredients from spoiling was top of mind with those in the HOMEWORLD BUSINESS® Forecast 2018 consumer survey, conducted by NPD Group. Food storage was chosen by more than half of female consumers in the 25 to 34 age bracket demographic of those looking to make a home storage purchase within the coming year.

Plastic was the preferred food storage material, chosen by 66.6% of female consumers in the same demographic. “Most durable” was chosen as the top reason that survey respondents chose plastic food storage, with 37.4% of consumers. Plastic was also chosen by 35.1% of consumer respondents who deemed the material more “safe.”

Organizational products to care for clothes were also top of mind for this female age demographic. More than half of next year’s potential consumers selected a hamper/laundry basket as their organization purchase in the coming year, chosen by 51.6% of consumers. Closet organizer was the third choice, picked by 46.5% of consumers.