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Trust The Real News Of 2017

Another year is almost in the books, and, oh, what a year it was.

We’ve seen unprecedented upheaval of the establishment.

We’ve observed cracks forming in once seemingly indestructible institutions.

We’ve watched widening rifts tear apart the spirit of cooperation.

We’ve risen each day anxiously wondering what the latest Twitter feeds and morning news might reveal.

I’m talking, of course, about the retailing business. What did you think?

Intensified Campaign

Yes, 2017 was a year during which digital commerce intensified its campaign against traditional retailing. Frequent reports of sweeping chain store closings, sagging sales and profits and other signs of disruption could not be shrugged off as fake news.

Indeed, the challenge is all too real.

Perhaps, however, we will look back at 2017 as a turning point when the retailing establishment realized its best defense is a stronger offense. We will study how, after right-sizing store counts and synchronizing in-store and online strategies, many prospered by taking exceptional care of customers.

Reading through this special Year in Review edition (December 15, 2017), reflecting on developments that made HomeWorld headlines in 2017, one can’t help but appreciate an industry that rarely backs down when punched. Rather, it often punches back.

Myriad HomeWorld reports this year chronicling innovation, adaptation and reinvention underscore a resolve for which the housewares industry has cemented its reputation.

Immediate Boost

It should be no surprise to read how the home products sector— projected as a steady growth driver the next five-plus years— has become a go-to business by retailers in need of an immediate boost.

The Thanksgiving weekend holiday shopping kickoff provided more big news. Despite a record e-commerce sales binge, store traffic was robust virtually across the board, even at maligned department stores.

The news for the housewares business is promising, despite the growing pains of adapting to the digital marketplace.

Need more proof? Look to the 55 finalists for the 2018 Housewares Designs Awards.

These examples of housewares ingenuity, among hundreds of original products subjected recently to hands-on evaluation by a panel of design and retail experts, affirm the housewares business as a hub of inspiration capable of clearing the market’s latest hurdles.

Design Excellence

Join us as we recognize this design excellence at the Housewares Design Awards ceremony, January 30 during the winter Las Vegas Market, host partner of the competition presented by HomeWorld Business and sponsored by Whitford Corp. (See story on page 5 for a list of finalists and ceremony details; and visit to buy tickets).

After such an unprecedented year, start 2018 by celebrating the creativity and resolve that can be trusted to continue making headlines in HomeWorld Business.

Real news, indeed.